Brief CV
School of Accounting, Faculty of Finance
Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
Education, Degrees:
Master’s level:
1. Advanced Auditing
2. Accounting Theory
3. Accounting for Managers (MBA)
5. Research Method in Accounting
Bachelor’s Level:
I) International Peer-reviewed Journals
II) Local Journals (In Persian)
“The Effect of Conservatism & Life Cycle on Firm Value.” Iranian journal of Accounting and Auditing Review, summer 2011.
“The Effect of Board Composition on Conservatism & Timeliness of Identifying and Reporting Good and Bad News in Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange.” Iranian Journal of Accounting and Auditing Studies, spring 2013.
“Comparison of Financial Information Based on Cash Flows and Financial Accounts Based on Accrual Accounting in the Forecast of Stock Returns Based on Company Life Cycle,” Iranian Journal of Empirical Research in Accounting, Spring 2013.
“The Effect of Firm Life Cycle on Relevance of Risk and Performance Measures”, Iranian Journal of Financial Accounting Research Fall 2010.
“The Effect of Audit Quality on Bank Validation”, 13th National Accounting Conference of Iran, Tehran University, May 30, 2013.
“Accounting from Perspective of Hermeneutics and Science of Interpretation”, 1th Conference of Financial Accounting & Financial Management of University of Qom, March 2013.
Reviewer of journals
1. The Iranian Accounting and Auditing Review, University Tehran (ISC)
2. Behavioral and Value Based Accounting Journal (ISC, Kharazmi University)
Professional Membership
Auditing Theory (2015)
School of Accounting, Faculty of Finance
Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
Education, Degrees:
Master’s level:
1. Advanced Auditing
2. Accounting Theory
3. Accounting for Managers (MBA)
5. Research Method in Accounting
Bachelor’s Level:
I) International Peer-reviewed Journals
II) Local Journals (In Persian)
“The Effect of Conservatism & Life Cycle on Firm Value.” Iranian journal of Accounting and Auditing Review, summer 2011.
“The Effect of Board Composition on Conservatism & Timeliness of Identifying and Reporting Good and Bad News in Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange.” Iranian Journal of Accounting and Auditing Studies, spring 2013.
“Comparison of Financial Information Based on Cash Flows and Financial Accounts Based on Accrual Accounting in the Forecast of Stock Returns Based on Company Life Cycle,” Iranian Journal of Empirical Research in Accounting, Spring 2013.
“The Effect of Firm Life Cycle on Relevance of Risk and Performance Measures”, Iranian Journal of Financial Accounting Research Fall 2010.
“The Effect of Audit Quality on Bank Validation”, 13th National Accounting Conference of Iran, Tehran University, May 30, 2013.
“Accounting from Perspective of Hermeneutics and Science of Interpretation”, 1th Conference of Financial Accounting & Financial Management of University of Qom, March 2013.
Reviewer of journals
1. The Iranian Accounting and Auditing Review, University Tehran (ISC)
2. Behavioral and Value Based Accounting Journal (ISC, Kharazmi University)
Professional Membership
Auditing Theory (2015)
Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
Education, Degrees:
- PhD in accounting, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran, 2016.
- MSc in accounting, University of Tehran, Iran, 2010.
- BSc in accounting, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran, 2007.
- Auditing (including Information systems audit and control, Fraud examination, Professional internal auditing, Materiality in auditing).
- Governmental accounting (including General Principles of Governmental Accounting, Fund accounting and the financial reporting model, Budgeting, Revenues and expenditures Governmental, Government-wide financial statements, Deferred outflows of resources and deferred inflows of resources).
Master’s level:
1. Advanced Auditing
2. Accounting Theory
3. Accounting for Managers (MBA)
5. Research Method in Accounting
Bachelor’s Level:
- Principles Accounting I
- Principles Accounting II
- Principles Accounting III
- Governmental Accounting
- Intermediate Financial Accounting II
- Auditing I
- Cost Accounting II
I) International Peer-reviewed Journals
- “The Effect of Corporate Life Cycle on Financial Reporting Quality Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange”. Published in International Journal of Management & Information Technology (IJMIT’Journal), Vol .9, No. 2, 2014.
- “Corporate Life Cycle and the Explanatory Power of Risk Measures versus Performance Measures”. Published in International Journal of Management & Information Technology (IJMIT’Journal), Vol .2, No. 6, 2011.
- “Data Mining and Application in Accounting and Auditing”. Journal of Education and Vocational Research (JEVR’Journal), Vol. 2, No. 10, Dec 2015
- “Evaluation of daily return behavior of Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE)” published in International Bulletin of Business Administration (IBBA) Issue 11, in July, 2011.
- “The Evaluation of Influential Factors in the level of Banks’ Credit Managers Trust in Financial statements” published in Economics and Finance Review (EFR), Vol.1, No. 6, in August, 2011.
- “The Relationship between Independent Auditors and Receiving Financial facilities” Published in International Journal of Management Science (IJMS), Vol. 1, No. 4, October 2014.
II) Local Journals (In Persian)
“The Effect of Conservatism & Life Cycle on Firm Value.” Iranian journal of Accounting and Auditing Review, summer 2011.
“The Effect of Board Composition on Conservatism & Timeliness of Identifying and Reporting Good and Bad News in Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange.” Iranian Journal of Accounting and Auditing Studies, spring 2013.
“Comparison of Financial Information Based on Cash Flows and Financial Accounts Based on Accrual Accounting in the Forecast of Stock Returns Based on Company Life Cycle,” Iranian Journal of Empirical Research in Accounting, Spring 2013.
“The Effect of Firm Life Cycle on Relevance of Risk and Performance Measures”, Iranian Journal of Financial Accounting Research Fall 2010.
“The Effect of Audit Quality on Bank Validation”, 13th National Accounting Conference of Iran, Tehran University, May 30, 2013.
“Accounting from Perspective of Hermeneutics and Science of Interpretation”, 1th Conference of Financial Accounting & Financial Management of University of Qom, March 2013.
Reviewer of journals
1. The Iranian Accounting and Auditing Review, University Tehran (ISC)
2. Behavioral and Value Based Accounting Journal (ISC, Kharazmi University)
Professional Membership
- Certified Accountants Association of Iran
- Internal Auditors Association of Iran
- Management Accounting Association of Iran
Auditing Theory (2015)
School of Accounting, Faculty of Finance
Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
Education, Degrees:
- PhD in accounting, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran, 2016.
- MSc in accounting, University of Tehran, Iran, 2010.
- BSc in accounting, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran, 2007.
- Auditing (including Information systems audit and control, Fraud examination, Professional internal auditing, Materiality in auditing).
- Governmental accounting (including General Principles of Governmental Accounting, Fund accounting and the financial reporting model, Budgeting, Revenues and expenditures Governmental, Government-wide financial statements, Deferred outflows of resources and deferred inflows of resources).
Master’s level:
1. Advanced Auditing
2. Accounting Theory
3. Accounting for Managers (MBA)
5. Research Method in Accounting
Bachelor’s Level:
- Principles Accounting I
- Principles Accounting II
- Principles Accounting III
- Governmental Accounting
- Intermediate Financial Accounting II
- Auditing I
- Cost Accounting II
I) International Peer-reviewed Journals
- “The Effect of Corporate Life Cycle on Financial Reporting Quality Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange”. Published in International Journal of Management & Information Technology (IJMIT’Journal), Vol .9, No. 2, 2014.
- “Corporate Life Cycle and the Explanatory Power of Risk Measures versus Performance Measures”. Published in International Journal of Management & Information Technology (IJMIT’Journal), Vol .2, No. 6, 2011.
- “Data Mining and Application in Accounting and Auditing”. Journal of Education and Vocational Research (JEVR’Journal), Vol. 2, No. 10, Dec 2015
- “Evaluation of daily return behavior of Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE)” published in International Bulletin of Business Administration (IBBA) Issue 11, in July, 2011.
- “The Evaluation of Influential Factors in the level of Banks’ Credit Managers Trust in Financial statements” published in Economics and Finance Review (EFR), Vol.1, No. 6, in August, 2011.
- “The Relationship between Independent Auditors and Receiving Financial facilities” Published in International Journal of Management Science (IJMS), Vol. 1, No. 4, October 2014.
II) Local Journals (In Persian)
“The Effect of Conservatism & Life Cycle on Firm Value.” Iranian journal of Accounting and Auditing Review, summer 2011.
“The Effect of Board Composition on Conservatism & Timeliness of Identifying and Reporting Good and Bad News in Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange.” Iranian Journal of Accounting and Auditing Studies, spring 2013.
“Comparison of Financial Information Based on Cash Flows and Financial Accounts Based on Accrual Accounting in the Forecast of Stock Returns Based on Company Life Cycle,” Iranian Journal of Empirical Research in Accounting, Spring 2013.
“The Effect of Firm Life Cycle on Relevance of Risk and Performance Measures”, Iranian Journal of Financial Accounting Research Fall 2010.
“The Effect of Audit Quality on Bank Validation”, 13th National Accounting Conference of Iran, Tehran University, May 30, 2013.
“Accounting from Perspective of Hermeneutics and Science of Interpretation”, 1th Conference of Financial Accounting & Financial Management of University of Qom, March 2013.
Reviewer of journals
1. The Iranian Accounting and Auditing Review, University Tehran (ISC)
2. Behavioral and Value Based Accounting Journal (ISC, Kharazmi University)
Professional Membership
- Certified Accountants Association of Iran
- Internal Auditors Association of Iran
- Management Accounting Association of Iran
Auditing Theory (2015)
Executive Activities
Executive Activities Titles
Name of Organization / comment
Starting Date
Termination Date
Theses supervised
value relevance of banks' cash flows from operations
روح اله صالحی
کرار کریم
The effect of internal audition personality types on the professional skepticism of internal auditors
فاطمه شفیعی
Assets revaluation audit quality and information content of financial statements
سمیه مراد پور خزاعی
The examination of stock market reaction to cash flow restatements
امیرحسین کرمی
External auditor reliance on the work of the internal audit function in Iranian listed companies
سعید احمدی نیا
Financial distress, internal control and earnings managment
سعید چراغی بابادی
Company reputation , timeliness of financial reporting , audit report
عارف فاضلی نظام دوست
impact of audit committee members ' expertise on restatement of financial statements with emphasis on opportunistic motives
حسن ایمانی ینگجه
CFO prior experience and CFO financial reporting aggressiveness
فهیمه حشمتی
Investigating the Effect of Investor Sentiment on Restatement of Financial Statements and Conservatism in Financial Reporting
فریا کدخدا
Audit partner narcissism, audit error and the number of qualification remarks of the auditors report
محمد پهلوانی
The effect of CEO ability on the probability of paying dividends mediated by profitability and cash flow fluctutions
علی محمد عظیمی دیزج
Evaluating relationship between inflation and the information content of financial statements business cycle
امیر کیان زاد
Corporate governance and labor employment decisions with controlling shareholders in tehran stock exchange
محمد نجفی
The effect of profit managment on corporate tax stickiness by considering the mediating effect of tax avoidance
زینب محمدی وارث اباد
Theses advised
A comprehensive model for identifying the appearance and content characteristic of physical documents suspected of fraud
ناهیده باقری
Fiscal year-end and the timeliness of Audit Report
ارمان زبردست
کامیار ابتن
The role additional cash on the liquidity risk and the trading continuity of the company s stock
عبدالباسط کریمی
Developing and prioritizing a strategy for profit optimization in the printing industry by using SWOT and fuzzy multiple attribute decision making
مرتضی فراهانی
the Big Data Role in Helping the Auditors for Gathering Evidence and Fraud Detection in Financial Statements
سمیرا غریبی
The Role Of Audit Frim Merger On The Audit Quality And Audit Report Lag
ناهید نعمتی آشتیانی
The Relationship Audit Quality and Bank Health Assessment Indicators (CAMELS Model)
حسین محمدنژاد
Investigating the effect of using big data case simulation in education on students' ability in Identify suspected fraud cases in the audit of financial statements
سمیرا غریبی
The effect of risk committee on financial reporting quality and audit fee
صالح تابعی خسروشاهی
The relationship between CEO turnovers management, audit adjustments and opportunistic restatements.
مریم رضی پرچیکلائی
Investigate the asymmetric behavior of inventory management in response to sales changes
مینا انصافی
The emphasis of matter paragraphs and audit quality-the morderating effect of auditor type
امیرحسین سان احمدی
The compliance of Firms Earnings figures with the Benford law: profit beautification orprofit management!
محمد بیات
Relationship between auditor type and auditor quality rating with auditor adjustments and opportunistic restatements
بهناز رادمهر
Investigating the impact of economic uncertainty on the auditors optional change
محمد صادقی
Earnings management and auditor comments: The moderating role of audit quality
دانیال قراگزلی
Tax-motivated income shifting and board structure in business groups
محمد غفارپور
Auditor switching and audit fee discounting (The role of audit fees regulation)
محمد دادور
Requierments about the release of unaudited financial statement and audit report lag
حسین حسین زاده شهابی
Audit Firm Rank, Audit Fees and Audit Quality in Unlisted Companies subsidiaries andAffiliated of Listed Companies
رضا کریمیان
Exploring factors influcncing adoption of blockchain accounting applications using technology-organization-environment framework
راضیه غمیلوی کلوجه
The impact of audit committe characteristics and audit fees on classification shifting
سیدعمادالدین غیاثیان
The impact of risk disclosure in companies listed on the stock exchange considering the effects of the financial crisis in iran
مهران خدامرادی
The impact of psychological characteristics and CEO turnover on dividend stickiness
عباس ایزی
Investigating the relation ship between tax avoidance culture and employee be havior with sustainable company performance the moderating role of corporate social responsibility
مرتضی رباطمیلی
Corporate social responsibility and accounting conservatism: emphasis on the moderating role of family ownership
محمدحسین کاشی درچه
The relationship between CFO Outside if the board membership and misstatements in financial reporting
ابراهیم میرخاقانی زاده
The probability of auditor change and audit quality: a machine learning approach
رضا دباغیان
Auditor Industry Range and Professional Skepticism
میلاد مافی
Spillover Effects of the Financial Statements Disclosure Timing among Peer Firms
افسانه دهقان دهنوی
Expense shifting and revenue shifting in the income statement considering the performance and life cycle of the company
سعید صفی زاده چم مختاری
Key audit matter disclosures useful in assessing the financial level of firm
سیدعلیرضا حسینی
Auditor report delay and corporate financing rate: The moderating role of accounting information quality.
داریوش امیری
Impact of product market competition on real earning management moderating role of managerial ability
سیدعلیرضا اسلامی
Managerial ability and cash holding with emphasis on moderating role of managerial discretion and life cycle of business unit
رامین بابامرادی